tisdag 13 april 2021

you turn my wheelchair into bumper car , not getaway cars

 i like how we hit bumper cars and not getaways cars 
how you stick around in this mad world when everyone leave 
you the one i can count on , in the middle of a storm 
when i throwing fits like an blizzard , which i could tell you in a poem 
describe how it feels , caught in just an other tantrum and i hate to show them
you so cool for except me for who i am , it took a long time to understand who i am 
whats wrong with me and why i dont have any friends an there one,  that come-through 
and , honestly that is my break trough like the knife thrower to an lover , the sister and  brother 
and i cant believe you made me fell over , just when i thought we had our closure there wore an plot twist
i never though about , and that what i love with music they like wizards they me forget whats going on 
so i where falling down like a acrobat and to you slide in with your smooth lyrics that made me an perfect poet , how you carry me like an gymnast and i remember you wore just an amazing sword sallower like i took my meds and how turn the wheelchair into bumper car , not getaway cars -  yeah i find friendship in stars and i am weird and confusing to understand but at least i am your friend in your head 

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