torsdag 29 april 2021

single as in single

  single as a single 
add me , yeah you can have me
the only on that tap me 
how ever , focus on always deliver
not much of an giver , more of a taker
because i am a bad bitch , the sickest
but all this guys flex there mere muscles 
when she comes around , try to make her safe and sound 
she are hottest single , like án old television serie
and everybody knew that for the good girl ,every guy is a t - rex 
i know i am very complex , maybe more your exes 
but there one thing i promise - to  keep you out of my poems 

i like the way you cheer me up with your compliments
they make me  heaven sent but dont believe i want you my dms 
but this is why i love my intenet friend they always put  me and great vibe 
me smile and think i am the mos beautiful  girl when i clearly aint 
but i just lucky for being , met such a lovely person 
that understand i dont have this tantrums in chatroom 
it just my epilepsy the upper hand
but i like to have you as my friend
when everyone delete me , reject me 
i feel honored that you add me  

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