fredag 30 april 2021

no name

 i recall how i wore rushed in 
or maybe it wore all an dream 
but the doctors had skills like DJS
i am fixated by how i take blood samples
while you take music samples
how i got hooked up on IV drop 
and almost drop it like its hot 
when i met that carrier at retirement 
but i happy you pick up like that a coffee cup
i recall how i barely could breathe in the beginng
couldnt mouth a full sentence 
but faster then a ambulance 
i wore falling when i came in to the retirement 
maybe i wore happy to get out from the hospital
but i never expected to be locked in by elderly 
that frankly i wore a bit scared off but  then 
the people looked more like a classic then a horror show
yeah you guys made me fall. in love with my second fam
that did care who i am , they embrace me for who i am 
flaws and all , that is one of the most important thing 
understand that its hard to living
and we all do our best 
but i think i new have found the chapter 
who kinda bet them rest 

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