lördag 10 april 2021

i guess you are my make a wish ( thanks for this )

you are a child living in a palace that wanted that princess 
king that surrounded with beautiful models 
but we all got our insecurities yeah i remember how i used to feel 
out of a dream when you send me that DM , dont know how long its been
maybe your an scam taking avenge of me as a fan , but i like to think we become friends 
i even put you name in some poems - hope you dont mind but you are a story i definitely dont want to leave behind  ,   yeah i still remember how you the first day come across my name which is strange because its kinda weird and hard to read - i been trying to explain my situation about my condition 
in a 23 tweet , so delete was like the hardest the hardest thing i ever had to do because i find some weird strength in you - like you wore my bro from an other mother , the clever , smarter and older one - and funnier , i hated that i had to delete you because mom thought you wore somebody else but i always knew , idols dont this to people who they love - they treat them like stars - like you are , so i kept be patience , cried and well , write and what if i actually got my make a wish - without send it - because in this times 
when all the friends go , you are the one that seem to stand tall and i salute you for that , he who writes back,set me back on  the right track and i never thought i would hear from you but you come through
like a friend  ,and i am happy this story dont end 

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