måndag 5 april 2021

my kinder surprise

 i remember  how you woke me up with that wonderful 
musical voice kinda was like being magical .  it wore unbelievable 
i remember thinking you wore kinda incredible , kinda like a miracle 
and i recall how i fell so awkward fell straight out of my wheelchair 
into that cool but hand on , carrier - that wore quite amazing
never been the luckiest with the guys but you wore like a kinder surprise
delicious on the outside but yummy on the inside 
yeah i remember you kneel by my bed , it wore here i made a stage dive inside your head
and make you a living character of my carrier ,   i was like holding to this like you gave me my meds 
there something lovely with guys who give aid , there to help when you cant help yourself 
you made me feel comfort when i felt , stranded , abandoned 
and when you are at most , wounded 

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