måndag 12 april 2021

all i can be is me

 just like an acrobat i tumble in your heart 

fell out my wheelchair into your arms 
how you embrace me with an smiling face
yeah  i remember i wore an human cannonball
scared for everything but you stood there so tall 
clever and bright , i think you must been the love of my life
slide in and caught me in your net , when i fell from the trapets 
and bloody hell i new i would it gonna hurt but you made it perfect 
how you made me go around like a merry go around , watch me like an mobile 
that tingling over my head and i recall how you came and sat at my bed 
so close but yet far to touch and how you wore like patch 
yeah student doctor to patient one of the most beautiful trait 
is intelligence and you treat me with kindness and made me feel like an circus princess 
when i wore caught in the madness you  made me feel like i wore the best to not go crazy 
but you adopt me yours in this house of mirror and i enjoy watch you joggle torches 
fire matches and burn witches , kinda wore your trick and i cheer you on from  the sideline 
because i know you not tech mine and its cool , just when it comes to guys like you i am sorta acting like an fool - kinda wish i wore like your ex , she seem pretty cool and chill nothing that i ever be but then again , all i can be is me ...

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