lördag 10 april 2021

personal address to my fave carrier ( like you didnt KNEW ) LOL

 i remember how cartwheel out the wheelchair
into that new chapter that i refer as my carrier 
i was like oh well , did  was awkward 
how you slide into room and pick me up 
just like your coffee cup , how you said OMG OMG OMG 
i just laugh , yeah i remember how you how you pick me up 
at the bed and i wore so nervous because you look so awesome
but to my surprise your heart wore  yummy 
never expect met somebody that treat me so gently 
i always come in like a wrecking ball but you made me feel like an disco ball
when i wore hospital mess , and this is personal to you - address 
who stood by my madness and build me up and made me better 
this is why you my fave carrier 
.... christian 

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