lördag 10 april 2021

Thats not very much punk of ya

10 years since   we met 
that neighbor that i thought wore hella fly
well i hanging with an other guy 
now who dont try to dim my shine 
yeah i recall how you rejected me
how i crying over that you hanging 
with that baby while i listen to you records
but its good , we always well 
i mean i wasnt while i got a fizzy fit
in the chatroom but know we  so over it 
but we went through it and i remember 
how angry i wore at mom when she delete you in october
might be September but then you came back for like i dont know 
7 time and that is the friends i do , adore - and i know my word is  harsh 
telling you i have no cash and cant afford with hand out 
it because i try to save instead but give me some , credit
just because i am sick doest mean i am fall for this shit 
otherwise you seem kinda , perfect '

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