söndag 11 april 2021

things i cant say DM i write in poems

 yeah i remember how it all wore like an funfair 
when i fell out my wheelchair , basically made cartwheels 
how you pick me with such an grace , help me with my balance
yeah you wore quite acrobat ,  catch me when i wore diving toward you 
i mean i didnt meant to but i didnt mean to it just i always fall for somebody  
like an gymnast and you came sliding into my life like a Giant , i was like Perfect 
i wore so scared you compare me with your exes , they are beyond PERFECT
everything i am not but i do like you , a lot and admire your skills 
and think you very stylish 
but this is things i cant say in a message so this is how to you , address 
maybe thats why everything sounds like a madhouse ?

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